Saturday, October 22, 2011

How do you Love?

This week we discussed preparing for marriage. I'm taking a Marriage class this semester, and our teacher always tells us, "We need to be marriage missionaries to the world." I truly believe this because the world has a skewed idea on marriage today. We have to define "love" and what it truly stands for. Chapter six in our "Marriage and Family" talks about the different types of love, Storge, Philia, Eros, and Agape. Storge is the affection between parents and children, Philia is a love between friends and is the highest form of love. I thought about WHY it's the highest form of love? You would think a romantic love like Eros would be. But thinking about it I want a love with my husband that is a friendship as well. We were friends before lovers, and it's been amazing for us. I felt like we could really get to know each other being friends first. The last kind of love is Agape. This love is independent of one's feelings from another. More like a stranger being nice to a stranger. Or being polite to a waitress at a restaurant. I like Agape because for me it's all about being polite to someone, or being a friendly face to a stranger who might be having a bad day- you'll just never know. ALL of these types of love are important in a marriage, and I hope in 5 years time my love will develop in different ways with my husband. Be married all over again everyday with the way you love each other!

1 comment:

  1. I never thought of being a marriage missionary, but that is a great idea! I also agree with you that all healthy relationships definately grow out of friendships, and are friendships. Thanks for sharing!
